White Hills Distillery
See You There
Dates To Put In Your Calendar

Annual White Hills Winter Warm Up
We will announce the date when we miss you all too much! Come get the winter chill out of your bones with our cocktails, conversation, finger food and fun!

Barrel Proofing Parties
- Next Date to be announced for our next barrel proofing
Tickets are limited as there will only be room for 20 people. Dinner will be provided. We will let you know how to sign up and secure a spot leading up to the event. We talk about how our bourbon is made, the aging process, and the notes and nuances we are looking for. Help us decide what proof of our new barrel provides the best flavor profile and buy a signed bottle that night.

Bourbon & Cigar Night
- Next date will be in late June/July. Watch for updates. Tickets will be available at the door. No reservations required.
Tickets will include dinner by Chef Tim and your 1st cocktail. Or you can order ala carte. My favorite cigars are available for $12 or you may bring your own. Smoking is either in the production area or outdoors, rain or shine. Watch for the announcement here or on Facebook and Instagram
The Annual Antique Car Show is at Beardsley’s Cider Mill and White Hills Distillery. 1931 and older vehicles only. Please bring 31 & older parts to sell if you’d like. Food is available for sale.
The distillery will be open from 11am-3pm during the show.
This year, we are hosting a TAG SALE at the same location and time!

Antique Car Show & Tag Sale
- Always the 2nd Saturday in May, 9am - 3pm